Verronica Again

Just a quick update this week.
Life has been a whirlwind lately. Caught the eclipse with a big group of friends in Texas. Highly recommend. If you have the chance to see a total solar eclipse, take it. You’ll never experience anything on this planet like it. There are no images or words to adequately describe it. It’s the only time I've tangibly felt the vast mechanics of our universe in action. The interplay of gears and pendulums swinging through the vastness of space, aligning for such a brief moment, in such a precise and delicate way to create a spectacle that boggles the human mind. . . The next one will happen in 2026 and will be visible, notably, in Iceland, Portugal and Spain. Plan accordingly.

2024 Total Solar Eclipse as seen from Lampasas, Texas.

From there I went straight to a shoot in Utah, flying into Salt Lake City and driving out to the Bonneville Salt Flats. My crew had flown in a couple days before as I lagged behind for the Eclipse. Photographer extraordinaire, Will Saunders shot action on day one, and I shot fashion on day two. It certainly felt weird dropping into this other worldly landscape, just on the heels of a celestial event. The shoot felt great. The day flew by. It was weird being on vacation with 8 friends, super social for days on end, then being flung into work mode. I was looking forward to it. I like being busy. I like being on set. I like being productive.

The Salt Flats as seen from highway 80 heading west.

Last week was spent in L.A. shooting a casting for a new crop of potential models for the coming seasons. Some really excellent prospects. L.A. is a whole vibe. It’s easy to shit on, but honestly, I really liked the feel. It felt vibrant and alive. Lots of people out, lots of energy. Very much a contrast to Oakland where it seems like a new restaurant closes every week. Not much of a social scene in the Town. L.A. has its issues for sure, but I didn’t feel on edge like I do here. Something to think about. I chose to drive down. Sometimes I would rather spend some hours on the road, listening to music and pod casts and my own thoughts than deal with airports and all the bullshit. Feels more free. Came back on 101 thru Santa Barbara. Lunch at La Super-Rica, swung by one of the old Brooks Institute of Photography campuses (RIP) which is now a middle school. All kinds of feels. Beautiful as ever.
Back at home in Oakland, the darkroom in the new studio is progressing nicely. I’ve gotten better at soldering copper plumbing. Today was spent scouting locations for our next shoot up north. I almost stepped on a new born fawn bedded down in the tall grass.

Gorgeous day. Fried chicken sandwich and a beer for lunch. Zero complaints.

This week’s photo set is another slice of the shoot with Verronica. There are very few images that are safe for work so you’ll have to click thru to see the bulk. Here’s a taste.
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